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Salute 2016, The Battle of Foteviken and some 28mm AWI

Last week I was at Salute. The main reason of me being there was to be a part in an effort to set up a demo game at Salute. The theme of the game was the battle of Foteviken 1134.  The story of this battle is by all accounts rather obscure and mainly a part of Danish history, even though it took place on what is now Swedish soil. In short it was a great slaughter that ended up with a number of dead Bishops and the King of Denmark being hacked to pieces. The most fascinating pice of it all was the fact that it took place after the Viking era and that the outlook of this battle was a mix of what is usually associated with Viking era combat and what is belonging to a later era. Thus getting the right minis to this game was a matter of ransacking ones stash of both Norman and Viking minis to get the right look.

Jonas, Jan and Michael

The forces of the Danish King

The Foteviken pier and the Church

The Invasion fleet....

Another picture of the battle

In all We were 6 persons running this game at Salute. I wish to thank Micke(Dalauppror), Jonas, Jan, Tony, Colin Steve for making this a enjoyable experince. Hopefully we will be able to stage something next year.

Visiting Salute without buying minis is almost impossible. I made no serious effort to resist the urge. I went to number of stands and made myself a bit more of a pauper for each visit. Below you can see some results of my purchases. I needed additional units to my American War of Independance project. Thus I bought some 28mm American militia from Perry miniatures. The flags are from Flags of War.

Rebellious American Militia from the War of Ametican Independance

Another view of the same unit

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