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My Paddy's Day Nails (WARNING: nail art heavy!)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

For this year's paint job, I wanted to steer clear of the traditional and do something a little bit different, so I focused on aspects of Irishness that have a particular resonance for me (a brief guide to each nail is included for visitors to the site from outside the motherland.)

I started with a basic green Skittles/ombre manicure in forty five shades of green...

... and then got busy with some nail art pens.

You may already have seen my left hand doing the rounds on Twitter.

Thumb: A twist on the "I ❤ NY" slogan, using the pronunciation rather than the actual spelling of the Irish word tae (tea). I am very fond of a cupán tae.
Index:   I've always quite liked snakes, so thanks for nothing, St. Patrick. (Legend has it he drove them out of Ireland, probably in the back of a Hiace van.)

Middle:  Every time an American refers to the Irish patron saint as "Patty", a kitten, bunny rabbit, and puppy dog die. FACT. 
Ring:    I'm pretty sure there's a law against Irish-themed manicures that don't somehow feature Guinness.
Little:   BOSCO! Asexual puppet, blusher aficionado, and Irish kid's TV hero of the '80s. I still have a Bosco mug AND my very own actual Bosco puppet.

And now, without further ado, here's the right hand. BOOM.

Little:    Mr. Tayto, mascot/"man" behind the actual best Irish crisps ever.
Index:   Bass beer was popular in the '60s, '70s, and 80's. If someone tells you something is "Bass" (pronounced "baaas", rather than "base"), that's a good thing. (See also: deadly/savage.) Ah... that's Bass!
Middle:  The word "janey" is a regional colloquialism that can be deployed as an expression of surprise, annoyance, disgust, euphoria etc. Derivatives include "janey mack" and "janey mackers"; synonyms include "well holy God says Miley" and "jaypers".
Index:   One of the Jedwards. When the results of Beaut.ie's annual poll rating the best of Irish manhood were released this morning and Jedward took the honours, I had to redo this nail in tribute.
Little:   Love hurling. (The "O" is a sliotar, the white and black leather ball used in the game).

Hope you like them - have a great weekend!

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