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Sirens Of Lesbos Stellar Dance Disco Tune "Shotgun"

Dance electronic artist Sirens Of Lesbos consists of sister's, named Jasmina and Nabyla Serag along with musique partners Melvyn Buss and Arci Friede. They're new groovy single entitled "Shotgun" is a bubble pop electric disco-fueled wonderland complete with an authentic vintage vibe. This far out retro kissed tune will have you pulling out your boogie boots out and running towards the nearest disco balls to you.

The gang spilled the tea about the inspiration and writing process behind the phenomenal song: "Shotgun" is "an uplifting song with a driving bassline. That’s how the studio session started, actually. Arci, who writes most of our lyrics, had a creative low at that time. In order to be able to go on, we started to cut out, edit and re-arrange lyrics lines from ‘Fu-Gee-La’ and from songs of Lauryn Hill’s ‘The Miseducation’ album."

If "Shotgun" is any indication where this soulful funky group is headed on their upcoming, we're here for it head over heels. The group says, "What’s really important now, is to prepare our live set. We had a few requests from clubs and festivals after ‘We’ll Be Fine’ came out. But we don’t want to rush into something… These days we are putting together a band. After Jasmina will have returned from the Red Bull Music Academy at the end of October, we will start rehearsing and in a few months from now –when it feels right– we will book a tour."

Without further ado, hit play on thee latest sure hot fire ItsNotYouItsMe hit parade with Sirens Of Lesbos yummy track "Shotgun":

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