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Manicure Monday - Merry Kitschmas Nails!

Happy December everyone! Whooo, sorry for the couple day delay; but, I needed a little break after NaBloPoMo in November (yes, I managed a post every day for the whole month!) Plus, I have been a little sick; but, am on the mend! 

Manicure Monday - Merry Kitschmas Nails!

Now, what you came for are these adorable "Kitschmas" nails! For all of December, I along with all the ladies behind #CBBxManiMonday will be featuring Christmas (or Holiday) nails for the whole month! 

Who doesn't have a few little kitsch Christmas items - I personally have ornaments and decorations from my childhood and beyond that are starting to look a little aged; but, I can't let go of them! So, these Kitchmas water slide decals from Pearl Planet were perfect! Unfortunately, this specific set isn't available anymore; but, they have a few similar adorable Christmas sets available! 

Manicure Monday - Merry Kitschmas Nails!

For this Mani, the products I used are:
-Sally Hansen in White One
-silver, red and green nail art polishes
-Pearl Planet Kitschmas pack

Manicure Monday - Merry Kitschmas Nails!

I love how these all turned out! For this mani, I started with Formula X nail cleanser, base coat and two coats of White On on all nails. 

Then, on the pinky, middle and pointer finger I applied the Pearl Planet water slide decals - these are decals where you cut out your shape and dip them in water. Then you slide off the backing and apply the decal to the nail - they dry down and adhere to the nail. It's best to apply two coats of top coat after! Then, as accent nails, I did alternating stripes with red, green and silver nail art polishes! 

I think these are such a fun way to start off the month of Christmas nails - and hopefully these made you think of some of your favorite kitschy Christmas decorations! 

Manicure Monday - Merry Kitschmas Nails!

Are you guys in the holiday spirit yet?

Make sure you check out Cosmetic Proof, Prairie Beauty Love, and Tea & Nail Polish to see their take on "Holidays" for their manis this week! 

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