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Today, Matthew, I'm mostly going to be doing sweet FA.

I had such plans for today. BIG PLANS, I tell you. Oh yes, I was going to do the divil and then some.

And, well, then it got sunny and Himself decided to work from home so it felt like the weekend and I have mostly done, er, nothing. Apart from things that totally don't count, like:

* try to track down another roll of that Cole & Son 'Woods' wallpaper on the cheap. It's not going well. I only need one flipping length to finish the wall in the dining room and really, really don't want to have to fork out full price for a whole roll of the stuff.

* attempt to make a version of Nicole's DIY kitchen blind using some green and white geometric IKEA fabric and some green grosgrain ribbon. Sadly, mine looks nothing like this so far:

* arse about the Internet

* get some new free apps for my now won't-be-without iPhone, including ShakeIt Lite which will apparantly enable me to take lovely old-school Polaroid stylee photos. I just heard about the pay for version of it 30 seconds ago on sfgirlbybay so decided to give the freebie a whirl first. Haven't had a chance to try it yet but Victoria's gorgeous photos have me vay excited about it!

I'm now off to see if I can makeover a chest of drawers. Anything to put off actually doing a tap...

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