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Ro Danishei's "End of the Rainbow"

The trio of friends that have been releasing music for free on their own websites, including Simon Curtis and Andrea Lewis, is now complete with the debut release from Ro Danishei. Consisting of pop inspired dance tracks, “End of the Rainbow” is a collection of songs that try to tell a story while also trying to attract a following of devoted listeners. The project is one that follows in the footsteps of her friends by bringing back fresh and original material into the music world. For a debut, the album is filled with strong standout tracks along with others that could have been perfected.
The free album begins with an introduction, like her friends, by the name of “Bend of Light”. The intro does not really do much to attract listeners and make them want to continue on with the album. The first official track comes in the form of “Drunk Txt”. Even though the artist has a good voice of her own, she felt the need to alter her voice which makes it very difficult to listen to the lyrics, which remind me of Lady Gaga’s “Telephone”, which is disappointing. The song itself is a very catchy pop, club tune that describes the new trend of texting while drunk which never ends well. As an opening track it does grab attention, but I do not know if it has a strong enough hold. Danishei’s voice really stands out on “Never Been Kissed”, which is a little reminiscent of Katy Perry’s hit “Teenage Dream”. The beats and chorus are strikingly similar to the mentioned song, but somehow the vocals allow it to become something new. It is ultimately a love song that is done right and is sure to resonate with many listeners. “Blackout” brings me back to the 90s era of pop and would have fit in perfectly with the tracks of a Britney Spears album. The chorus of the track is really the highlight of the entire song with loud beats and a fast paced delivery. I think that Danishei is borrowing from famous and established pop artists in order to find a voice of her own. The song is good, just does not sound original. The lyrics of “I’m Okay” may feel like they have been heard before but the production on the track keeps it from being boring. The song may not be the best off the album, but it is done to the point where it is enjoyable to listen to. Any pop fanatic will find a liking towards the track, but in my opinion I would simply classify it as average, nothing really great or special. From the moment “Unlove Pill” starts playing it is clear that this song is different from anything else on the track list. The song takes the form of a ballad, but I do not really know if it does fall under that category. This is evidence of the artist’s true vocal abilities and they are not bad at all. The song is good throughout, but I could have done without the slight change in tempo that occurs towards the end. The best track of the entire project has to be “Michelle”. With its loud, pulsating beats and powerful vocals, the song is different in a very good way. The song may be bashing someone, but many will find it enjoyable and fun to sing along to. The featured guest, Simon Curtis, appears exactly halfway through the song to add his little touch which takes the song to a higher level. Both voices complement each other for a successful song. With a title like “Ur Fucking Crazy”, I was expecting so much more than what came out of the speakers. The song is a good one, but I just wanted a little more attitude from Danishei. The song will only be remembered for the title when put with the rest of the songs on the album. I do applaud the track for the vocals that are present, but I just see it as a tad bit boring. “Baby Doll” comes off as a very fast paced song and is quite enjoyable even though the vocals represent that of a robot. The song is the ultimate definition of what a pop song is and all of the components come together nicely. The attitude present here is what was missing from other songs that preceded it, but it is great to finally see it. The lyrics carry an important meaning of not doing what others want, to just be you. The title track begins with a sample from “The Wizard of Oz” which quickly indicates that the track is nothing to be considered average. The track alternates between vocal deliveries in the verses and the chorus. Danishei does a good job at showing her vocal range with this performance and it may be one of her best off the whole album. The song is sweet, cute as well as catchy and well written. Everyone will be “Prey to the Beat” when they hear the beat and lyrics to this song. The track will surely have listeners up and dancing because it has everything that a great, club track should have. For the closing song I would say that it is a good choice, not the best, because it has enough to be remembered when the album finishes. The album has some highs and lows, as to be expected from a debut, but it is nothing to be considered horrible.
“End of the Rainbow” is pop in every shape and form, but Danishei has created something that would not sound as if it has been playing on the radio for the last year or two. The lyrics that come out are original and self-written, while the beats and production do not try to take away anything to hurt the finished product. As an album that was released for free, the tracks on the album deserve to be heard because it is clear that the artist worked hard to get it out. For great pop moments, good vocals, some forgetful tracks, and a useless intro, the album falls under the B category with an 80%.

Tracks to Hear: "Unlove Pill", "Michelle feat. Simon Curtis", and "End of the Rainbow"

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