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my personalized earring & viva glams

It's already monday... *sigh*..the weekend went by so fast. :(

The package that i was talking about the last time is from Steph of Julu Jewelry. She's so nice because she custom-made an earring for me as per my request. I picked up the parcel last friday and was so excited that i opened it while i was still on public vehicle..hehe

I asked her to also get me the Gaga and Cyndi Viva Glams and she is just so sweet to actually do me a favor.
Thank you so much, Steph...I'm soooooo happy!
What more can i ask of  for a friend?!

These are the contents... Steph is so kind to include freebies, but i can't find the lipstick that she gave me...
I think i misplaced it..but i know i'll find it sooner.

Since i know that everyone had heard of the Viva Glams, so i'll skip the pics. But you know, i thought i'll like them but i think not that much. I mean they are nice, but im not that crazy about them. I actually rather like it when i combine the 2.

Now, on to the earring....

I asked her to make me 1 that i saw somewhere at a lady that i was in the train with. I caught a glance of her earring, but i wasn't able to ask her where she bought it because she was already about to go out of the train. So i described it to Steph and she made it.

I asked her to make me a simple stud, with the dangles at the back or on the clasp instead of the front. & i also asked her to make the other strands silver and the other gold. So that it would have a bit of an edge on it.

This is how it actually looked it when it is worn. It's simple & perfect for everyday earring. I think it's actually cute.... ^_^...BF says that this is his fave among my earring collection because of it's simple elegance. wow!

If you want your very own personalized earrings as well, you can asked Steph to do one for you!
I'm sure she'll be able to do it exactly as you asked her.

Thanks so much, Steph! I'm one happy lady indeed.

How was your weekend,ladies?
Did you had a great one?

Hope y'all have a great day!
Jaa ne~!

why is it that i notice that there's no pic on my dashboard. i mean, when my post is published, i can't see any icon or pic beside it. i have noticed this quite often...does anyone know what's wrong?
can you see a pic right beside my post on your dashboard?

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