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Road to 11th Mister International: Vinicio Modolo of Italy

by Franc Galahad Valero

Make way for Vinicio Modolo of Italy. This engineering student has the most innocent face of all. Even this early, I can tell that he is one of the most photogenic candidates this year for Mister International. Not too fierce but not too bland. That face alone can win the title already. But knowing that pageants are not at all after looks, Vinicio is all geared up and determined to show everyone his nice-guy anima that will perfectly embody what an international ambassador shall have. His lean physique is impeccably well-sculpted by sheer hard work and perseverance. Toned but not bulky. Slender but proportioned. Just the right amount of bunch and curves. Everything about him is preeminent. Vinicio is bordering from being fashionably wholesome to sexy, candid. You wouldn't stop gazing at this guy's irreproachable handsomeness. And I wouldn't mind seeing him winning it all. He'd be a great winner if that happened. Viva Italia!

Are you a fan too? Does Vinicio have it takes to win the title? Where is he on your list? From a country where gorgeous men are in abundance, I see no reason for this guy to be overlooked from taking the lead. He is in it to win it! 

Vinicio Modolo is a lover of Rome and Greek history and particular enjoys traveling to places characterized by their cultural and historic attributes. This 23-year-old Computer and Electronic Engineering student from Codogne is an expert in the kitchen whipping out delectable Italian cuisine. He hopes to settle for a career in the fashion industry.

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Graphic Design by Drew Francisco.

FB: Vinicio Modolo Mister International Italia 2016
FB: Vinicio Modolo
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