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Bachelorette Movie Inspired Manicure

     Hello everyone. Finally, inspiration has struck and I feel slightly out of my polishing rut! I was watching the movie Bachelorette the other day and found myself staring at Lizzy Caplan's nails for most of the movie. If you haven't seen it don't worry you're not missing much. Its one of those movies that doesn't really have a point, but lets you tune the world out for little over an hour. It did have a handful of funny one-liners but that's about it. But this isn't a post about a movie review so I'll try to get back on topic.

    So what is this amazing manicure that had me mesmerized the entire movie you might ask? Why it was a simple half-moon manicure that made a big statement. At least in my humble opinion that is. Now I've kept away from the half moon mani in the past because I think it tends to make nails look shorter. But I knew I had to try it once I saw this one.

    Ok ok enough suspense, it's time to reveal the manicure that inspired me to not only polish my nails again but to try a technique I had sworn off. So, ladies and gentlemen, I give you.....

Image courtesy of google search
    I scoured the Internet for a good hour trying to find a really good image to use and this was the best one I could find. I just fell in love with how this manicure packs a big punch without being too busy. I also liked that it's a manicure that I could easily replicate.  Want to see my version?

    I put together a little picture tutorial showing the colors I used and the steps I took to create this look. First, you will want to gather your materials. For this manicure, I used Milani White on the Spot and Kleancolor Bite Me.

     After applying my base coat and letting it dry I added 2 coats of my base color and waited for it to dry completely. You want this polish completely dry so when you are ready to remove the reinforcement stickers they won't pull the polish up. This is the hardest part of nail art for me. I'm always in a hurry to move on to the next step.

     Once the polish is dry it's time to apply the stickers. I used basic hole reinforcement stickers I picked up in the office supply section at Target. You want to make sure the edges of the sticker are firmly pressed down along your nail so polish won't leak under. Another tip is to make sure the stickers are centered on your nail. As you can see the one on my pointer finger is offset to the right a bit.

    After the stickers are secure and you have them placed where you want them it's time to apply your top color of choice. I did 2 coats for the best contrast. I didn't get a picture of this next step because I wanted to get the stickers off before the polish dried. My sincerest apologies on that. Remove the stickers, wait a minute, apply a top coat and enjoy your manicure.

     Not too bad for my first attempt at a half moon manicure. I learned a few things along the way so my next one will be even better. I'm not so sure I like the accent nail being opposite from the others yet, but it might grow on me. What are your thoughts? Anyone have any tips or tricks to share?

Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog. =)


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