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The rubber bandits gig - Fringe has begun!

Possibly one of the nicest pics of Z and her new fringe ever!

It's not often you see Willie O Dea on the decks. Let alone Willie O Dea on stage doing air guitar. But then, I've managed to miss three Rubber bandits gigs in a row. So this is all new to me! Having heard that the 'bandits were going to be live at Fringe this year I made it my business to be there.
As you know from earlier posts, I do love the Bandits. After all, five years in Limerick? You need to be able to laugh about it really....

So Z and I spent two hours ahead of the gig (a lull time between the end of one play and the start of the gig) drinking vanilla absolut and coke (they had no bulmers) 
I was delighted to end up near the stage for the entire gig. I was not about to miss the chance to roar and scream about Limerick. Again, I have to comment. While the lads played 'Song for Willie O Dea' and 'Bags of glue', the epic 'Greyhound shuffle' was left off the bill. WHY! why does this keep happening! Instead they played 'Anthony's eye'. which is good. but not AS good.My voice is completely gone. I am on my way out after this blog post to get some ice cream in the hope that I can fix it before work tommorow. Seriously! It was a great gig. I apologise for all my screaming and jumping up and down!
If you get a chance as well, the Rubberbandits album is on sale in Tower records for a tenner. Which is good and all, but you really should try to see them live. The banter between the two lads is very funny. Also, there are a few Limerick/Dublin references thrown in for good measure. Such as Borisnhossery (I CANNOT spell that for love nor money) which any person travelling between the two places will tell you - is an experience.
Not sure if there are any gigs planned in the coming weeks since the two lads have just played electric picnic as well. With crystal swing no less. but in the meantime, do look up some of their tracks on youtube!

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