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Liam Hemsworth decided to part with Miley Cyrus after her performance at the VMA?

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth

Fortunately or not, the advice of friends to part with Liam Hemsworth Miley Cyrus seems to have had their effect on the actor . According to insiders close circle of couples , Liam decided to finally put an end to the difficult relationship with Miley was after her controversial performance at the MTV VMA- 2013 , which made ​​fun of , in addition to tens of thousands of activists network , and his friends . We recall the words :

He better stay away from Miley Cyrus , so as not to harm his reputation and career . This is not moving away from Liam Miley , it's all his team insists on the separation, because nothing but negativity, it is his reputation and career will not add . 

Heeding the advice , the beloved flamboyant actress has decided to break up with her - according to sources :

He decided to do away with it and wants to break up with her. No more returns - must move on .

Reason , reportedly , was the show VMA - Hemsworth found his

... an insult to your address . 

Despite this evidence , the couple still live together in the house of Miley in Los Angeles, but their relationship is now more like a chat room-mates , rather than the two lovers . "Closest of all close " to a pair of sources and all transfers :

They do not even sleep in separate rooms.

Either way , the outcome of this situation will not be a mystery for stellar mass media. We promise to share with you the new details as soon as they appear .

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