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Kate Gordon explained the relationship with Mitya Fomin

Lead singer and Kate Gordon finally decided to clarify its relationship with Mitya Fomin. The page on the social network, she wrote: "Friends! Time to dot the i - we got married on the project Fomin "The Island", as friends, and all participants are witnesses. We have many reasons why there is nothing but friendship. Mityushev - my friend and a wonderful person and I hope our marriage will be a symbol of the island of friendship to all of you ».

Recall that recently Kate constantly intrigued by their fans. The singer even tried on a wedding dress. But on his return from filming the show "The Island", young people began to appear together at social events and gave a joint interview in which he claimed that they have all seriously, and another, now the official wedding is just around the corner.

It is worth noting that in his interview with "StarHitu" Fomin admitted that he devoted himself to creative work, and the team - is his family, and that friendship sometimes people are much more similar than loving.

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