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Fall Into Autumn: Pumpkin Desserts

Hi, hey there, hello! Today on she is little she is fierce I'm going to be sharing some droolworthy pumpkin dessert recipes from Pinterest! I love pumpkin just as much as the next basic white girl. "Give me pumpkin or give me death!" is basically my motto from September till November. If it's got pumpkin or made from pumpkin chances are I'll eat it. I seriously love pumpkin. At Thanksgiving I can eat a whole pie by myself. And for being 5'1" and roughly 110 pounds that's pretty impressive. There are five recipes that I've been drooling over on Pinterest that I'm going to share with y'all so you can drool and make them too! So without further adieu here they are!

Double Pumpkin Poke Cake 

It just looks so moist and fluffy and delicious! The toffee is nice crunch and flavor! Mhmmmm!

 Uhm how freaking adorable are these?! I audibly 'awed' out loud when I saw these mini pumpkin pies! I'm sure they taste just as delicious as they look! If you wanna wow your guests these are definitely how to do it!

I love, love, love carrot cake. It's my absolute favorite type of cake. I could eat it all day every day, no joke. And adding pumpkin just makes it about 100000 times better! No need to ask me twice!

How decadent and creamy and delicious do these look?! Cream cheese and pumpkin are two combos that you can't go wrong with!

Okay this one I'm especially excited to try. It's looks super delicious and is a breeze to make. You dump all the ingredients into the baking dish and bake it. It'll come out moist, delicious and pumpkin-y. If you aren't too good in the baking realm but need an easy dessert this is it. You can't get anymore easy than this. One dish, lots of compliments. 

So are you now super hungry for one of these delicious treats? I know I am! I will definitely be trying out the dump cake. Don't worry I'll make a post all about it, have no fear. 

If you decide to try one of these out comment, tweet or tag me so I can see you being all Martha Stewart-y! :) 

Till next time loves!

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"pumpkin pie solves everything"

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